Yes, I called you a sinner. So? We are ALL sinners. So why deny it, or be ashamed of it? There is nothing special about that fact at all. Proof: I work in the technological field, and part of my education was classes in logic. When classifying things according to logic, a characteristic that all of the items being classified shares in common becomes irrelevant: it is ignored. Take, for example, cars and elephants. All cars have tires. All elephants have trunks. So, there is nothing exceptional about a car having a tire and an elephant having a trunk, and no reason to dwell on that fact or take offense at it. Just admit it: you are a car. You have tires. You are an elephant. You have a trunk. You are a human, and that makes a sinner. Admit it and move on.
How does move on exactly? Well, God is righteous and hates sin, and will one day destroy all of it. That creates a problem for the sinner, of course! The only way to be protected from a God who hates sin and will destroy it is to be saved from destruction by that same God. How is that possible? Let me give you a hint: one of the names of God is Yeshua, which means GOD SAVES! A better known version of that name is Jesus, which is the name of the Word of God person of the God who exists eternally as Father, Son, and Spirit. We refer to Jesus as “son” because God sent the Word person of the Trinity to earth as a human. When God’s earthly existence died, it made a way for you to be saved when God destroys all sin despite still being a sinner. How? BY FOLLOWING THE THREE STEP PLAN! That’s all it takes! Try it today for no money down (or actually, no money EVER)! Now though the benefits of this deal – the greatest deal in history actually – last forever, the deal itself won’t! So get it now, today!